Sean D. Stevens, M.S.

California Marriage Family Therapist: MFC 49027

2001-2003 California State University M.S. in Counseling with an emphasis Northridge, CA in Marriage Family Therapy

1999-2001 California State University B.A. Psychology, Northridge, CA

1997-1998 Ventura College A.A. Psychology, Ventura, CA

Psychological Services for Families Intensive Outpatient Treatment Program, Supervisor, supervises staff and substance abuse professionals, develops staff training, monitors staff for quality assurance, monitors participant files for quality assurance, runs individual and group therapy

Staff therapist working with children, families, individuals, and couples. Evaluation of children and families, child abuse, domestic violence, drug and alcohol abuse. Teach parenting and co-parenting classes; supervised-visitation monitor; manage staff therapists; maintain records and group client phone intake.

Manage and Facilitate groups in Court Ordered, Domestic Violence Intervention Program; co-custody parenting program, anger management and parent education.

Languages Spoken:
English, Spanish, American Sign Language

Masters Thesis: Fostering Self-Esteem, an Academic Skill
Curriculum for Improving Self-Esteem in Learning Disabled
Foster Youth, 2003

Specialty Areas:

Diagnosis and treatment of children and adolescents, Foster youth, At risk youth, 0-6 children, School age youth, At risk youth and juvenile drug abuse, ADHD, Learning differences, Child abuse and neglect, Family systems, Depression and anxiety disorders in adults and children, Obsessive-Compulsive disorders,  Drug and alcohol treatment and evaluation, Co-occurring disorders treatment, Prescription drug abuse and misuse,  Co-parenting post separation and divorce, Family relationships and multi-cultural families, Managing anger and violence in families, Batterers’ Treatment Groups, Grief/Bereavement,  Deaf, Pain management, Medical Illness management, PTSD, Self-esteem and self-worth,  Independent living skills, Anger management and Conflict resolution, Parenting and parent education, Autism spectrum disorders, Substance abuse education, Art and Play therapy, Education problems, Immigration problems, Domestic violence , Independent living skills, Family violence, Conflict resolution, Parenting and co-parenting, Marital problems.

Workshops/Continuing Education attended:

Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome: Identification and Treatment, Alcohol Problems and Intimate, Relationship Identification and Intervention, Direct Service for Victims, History of the Crime Victims Movement Rights in United States, Navigating the Justice System, Victims Rights and Laws in United States, Supervision: A Guide for Mental Health Professionals, Revised, Advanced Behavioral analysis (ABA), Co-occurring Disorders; Substance Related and Mental Disorders, Ethics for Mental Health Professionals, Headache Hope Through Research, Psychotherapeutic Medication, Treatment Options and Guide for People Living with Pain, Working with Disorders of Body Image. A Guide for Mental Health Professionals, Developing Resilience in Victim Services, Cultural and Spiritual Competence in Victims Services, Challenges in Using Opioids to Treat Pain in Persons with Substance Use Disorders, Communication with Victims and Survivors, Impact of Crime on Victims, Elder Abuse, Prescription Drug: Abuse and Addiction, Methamphetamine Abuse and Addiction, Brief Strategic Family Therapy for Adolescent Drug Abuse, Childhood Sexual Abuse, Children and Mental Health, Helping Children and Adolescents Cope with Violence and Disasters, Domestic Violence, Domestic Violence and Substance Abuse; Ethics and Ethics/Confidentiality, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Addendum, Psychotherapeutic Medications: What Every Counselor Should Know, Stalking Safety Plan Guidelines, Treatment of Sexual Victimized Women; Practice and Theoretical Considerations, Working with Battered Women: A Brief Guide, Safety Plan Guidelines in Abusive Relationships, Spousal and Partner Abuse, Abuse and Neglect, Domestic Violence, Domestic Violence, Brain Function in Dyslexics and ADHD, Autism Treatment, Compassionate Communication, Managing Angry Clients, Maximizing Impact:  Success Through Evaluation Training, Child Abuse Prevention, CTC, Mandated Reporting, Walk In Their Shoes, Alcohol and Drug Prevention Training, Domestic Violence Treatment, Counseling Strategy for Use for Men who Batter, Quality Control Mental Health Programs,

Certification in Domestic Violence Intervention Training

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